Long time no post. But then again here's a post worth while. I was playing with a concept called 'phone sketches' using a ballpoint in my drawings. But here's a master with the BIC-pen. Juan Francisco Casas, check 'm out.
Most of the time I fall for a cover of a comic, and ounce you get inside the illustration it's not what you expected. But this time it's different. Check out the 'Skydoll' works of Alessandro Barbucci & Barbara Canepa.
The stunning Stuntkid
Sit back relax and check the technique. Damn nice. More Stuntkid work at stuntkid.com.
My new shoes! (designed by Chuck Taylor)
Can I make the same jumps like Mario? Check this post! Really COOL!
Light Calligraphy
This post is esspecially for my man Oksel. Check out the whole Gallery of this french guy, Julien Breton... Damn nice. Light Calligraphy from Julien Breton (aka Kaalam). More video on the Julien Breton website. My source: robotmafia.com
Amsterdam street shopping
I was shopping 'round A'dam this weekend and ran into some works by the swiss made Bustart. Love these big-ass stencils.....!
Slick slicks
A different meaning to the word slick(-s). Fantastic artwork by Wim Delvoye from Belgium. Fascinating!
Ploygon mess by hand
Check some pretty-nice ills... By Ruben Ireland. His bio says it's fusion between traditional en digital techniques. I'm still trying to figger out, what's what. But... maybe that's the magic.
Buy this
If ya wanna buy art then buy this. I think you could look at this for quite a while. Joe Fenton 's 'Solitude'. Lovin' it.
My kinda stroke
Luuk bode exhibting at cbk rotterdam, from 3 till 25 september 2011. Love to see how this artist evolved. Starting out in a catroonish style, ages ago, ending up in these abstract works and still keeping his stroke. www.luukbode.com
Delta alias 3d
For me 'Delta' is the 3d pioneer in graffiti. Remember this? And it went on...! Check his more recent work