For me 'Delta' is the 3d pioneer in graffiti. Remember this? And it went on...! Check his more recent work

For me 'Delta' is the 3d pioneer in graffiti. Remember this? And it went on...! Check his more recent work
Zedz is one of the veteran who was runnin' around Amsterdam at the time. And right now he is still invading the world with his fascinating cubic style. I like to say that it is very Dutch. If you think of flying over the Netherlands and see this patchwork blanked,...
Some nice legs presenting the fine graphic illustrations of these posters created by Jasper Goodall. Also have a look at a project in his portfolio where his nice designs cover the shutters of a complete shoppingstreet.
Check out the amazing style of Eric van den Boom. I'm crazy about his graduation project: The Great Carnival. Love the concept of using an imaginary circus to reflect our contemporary society.
Yulia Brodskaya cuts nicely... Damn!
Extraordinary Rope sculptures by Mozart Guerra ...
Matt Donovan & Hallie Siegel @ ... Lovely
With this MyCuppa colour matching guide you get always the right cup of coffee or tea. To buy MyCuppa: or see the YouTube clip with demostration:
Look what I found at this slick Blog called 'High Kicks'. audiobullys - only man from EL NINO. I must say the song ain't to bad either. ??
Installation "The Firmament" by HITOTZUKI (Kami + Sasu). And some more nice pictures of this project on their site.
Going through my old bookmarks. The world has no borders, he says. Well.... So does his artworks... No boundaries!. Mister Alberto Seveso makes some beautiful illustration. Check out his portfolio.
Freakin' Nice! Felice Varini Much More ... over here!