Some nice legs presenting the fine graphic illustrations of these posters created by Jasper Goodall. Also have a look at a project in his portfolio where his nice designs cover the shutters of a complete shoppingstreet.

Some nice legs presenting the fine graphic illustrations of these posters created by Jasper Goodall. Also have a look at a project in his portfolio where his nice designs cover the shutters of a complete shoppingstreet.
Here's some picts of mine while I was on the town during the 'Project Amsterdam Street Art', last saturday. A shame it was raining all day, so i couldn't get to see any live painting that day.
Source: Street art utopia
This man, Thom Thom, shows the result to the coincidence ... Gotta love it. Check him out more work at "Gallery MATH GOTH, where he had an exhibition last month. And here ... Thom thom at work.
Sometimes the looks of an artist makes you look at the work [HA!]. Anyway : Heracut's work is totally outstanding ! I'm a fan ! More on Flickr.
Here's some nice tight stencil art. By 'The Dude Company' on and more on Flickr.
For a long time my hero! Everything with his Calligraffiti is a pure artwork with strength and emotion. Here a small impression. Later more to come....
The month is there. Keep up 2 date:
I like the piece in the video in particulare but here more on Flickr of the artist called Hush Hush "Twin" Opening at New Image Art from G7D.
The BubbleGirls from Tilt. Horny me! I remember my 'throw-ups' at the time. But this guy Tilt, took it to antoher level. Check his blog
Look what I found at this slick Blog called 'High Kicks'. audiobullys - only man from EL NINO. I must say the song ain't to bad either. ??
Installation "The Firmament" by HITOTZUKI (Kami + Sasu). And some more nice pictures of this project on their site.